Customs and Indirect Taxes
Customs, VAT/GST and Sales Tax on buy/sell and import/export transactions
Other indirect taxes (e.g. consumption tax, foreign contractor tax, etc.)
Free Trade Agreements (FTA) analysis and cost planning
Market entry analysis and support, particularly with respect to inbound transactions into and across the APAC region
Business modeling from indirect and direct tax perspectives
Supply chain review and setup (sourcing)
Customs and indirect tax support with respect to businesses and investments into and across Asia, including not limited to:
Import and export duty computation to reduce tax cost
HTS code (i.e. customs code for products for import/export) review
Import/export processes and documentation requirements (e.g. import/export license, permits, etc.)
Other Government Agencies (OGA) and Partner Government Agencies (PGA) requirements for import/export of goods (product registration, labeling, license, etc.)
Due diligence to identify gaps, loopholes, errors in the import/export process for risk management purposes
Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
FTA analysis for sourcing (i.e. import duty reduction by using FTAs)
FTA benefit claims
VAT/GST/Sales Tax
Applicability to import/export and domestic sale/purchase transactions
Compliance requirements (e.g. registration, tax payment, return submission)
Assistance with and monitoring of ongoing VAT/GST compliance matters
VAT/GST planning and compliance support for e-commerce transactions, including dropship models
Market entry analysis for Southeast Asia (SEA) and India, respectively
Customs and VAT/GST requirements for import into/export from SEA countries (e.g. Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia) and India, respectively
Contract manufacturing, processing trade modeling for sourcing from SEA countries and India, respectively
Company setup requirements and implementation support